.. _using_c_libraries: ****************** Using C libraries ****************** .. include:: ../two-syntax-variants-used Apart from writing fast code, one of the main use cases of Cython is to call external C libraries from Python code. As Cython code compiles down to C code itself, it is actually trivial to call C functions directly in the code. The following gives a complete example for using (and wrapping) an external C library in Cython code, including appropriate error handling and considerations about designing a suitable API for Python and Cython code. Imagine you need an efficient way to store integer values in a FIFO queue. Since memory really matters, and the values are actually coming from C code, you cannot afford to create and store Python ``int`` objects in a list or deque. So you look out for a queue implementation in C. After some web search, you find the C-algorithms library [CAlg]_ and decide to use its double ended queue implementation. To make the handling easier, however, you decide to wrap it in a Python extension type that can encapsulate all memory management. .. [CAlg] Simon Howard, C Algorithms library, https://fragglet.github.io/c-algorithms/ Defining external declarations ============================== You can download CAlg `here `_. The C API of the queue implementation, which is defined in the header file :file:`c-algorithms/src/queue.h`, essentially looks like this: .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/clibraries/c-algorithms/src/queue.h :language: C :caption: queue.h To get started, the first step is to redefine the C API in a ``.pxd`` file, say, :file:`cqueue.pxd`: .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/clibraries/cqueue.pxd :caption: cqueue.pxd Note how these declarations are almost identical to the header file declarations, so you can often just copy them over. However, you do not need to provide *all* declarations as above, just those that you use in your code or in other declarations, so that Cython gets to see a sufficient and consistent subset of them. Then, consider adapting them somewhat to make them more comfortable to work with in Cython. Specifically, you should take care of choosing good argument names for the C functions, as Cython allows you to pass them as keyword arguments. Changing them later on is a backwards incompatible API modification. Choosing good names right away will make these functions more pleasant to work with from Cython code. One noteworthy difference to the header file that we use above is the declaration of the ``Queue`` struct in the first line. ``Queue`` is in this case used as an *opaque handle*; only the library that is called knows what is really inside. Since no Cython code needs to know the contents of the struct, we do not need to declare its contents, so we simply provide an empty definition (as we do not want to declare the ``_Queue`` type which is referenced in the C header) [#]_. .. [#] There's a subtle difference between ``cdef struct Queue: pass`` and ``ctypedef struct Queue: pass``. The former declares a type which is referenced in C code as ``struct Queue``, while the latter is referenced in C as ``Queue``. This is a C language quirk that Cython is not able to hide. Most modern C libraries use the ``ctypedef`` kind of struct. Another exception is the last line. The integer return value of the ``queue_is_empty()`` function is actually a C boolean value, i.e. the only interesting thing about it is whether it is non-zero or zero, indicating if the queue is empty or not. This is best expressed by Cython's ``bint`` type, which is a normal ``int`` type when used in C but maps to Python's boolean values ``True`` and ``False`` when converted to a Python object. This way of tightening declarations in a ``.pxd`` file can often simplify the code that uses them. It is good practice to define one ``.pxd`` file for each library that you use, and sometimes even for each header file (or functional group) if the API is large. That simplifies their reuse in other projects. Sometimes, you may need to use C functions from the standard C library, or want to call C-API functions from CPython directly. For common needs like this, Cython ships with a set of standard ``.pxd`` files that provide these declarations in a readily usable way that is adapted to their use in Cython. The main packages are ``cpython``, ``libc`` and ``libcpp``. The NumPy library also has a standard ``.pxd`` file ``numpy``, as it is often used in Cython code. See Cython's ``Cython/Includes/`` source package for a complete list of provided ``.pxd`` files. Writing a wrapper class ======================= After declaring our C library's API, we can start to design the Queue class that should wrap the C queue. It will live in a file called :file:`queue.pyx`/:file:`queue.py`. [#]_ .. [#] Note that the name of the ``.pyx``/``.py`` file must be different from the :file:`cqueue.pxd` file with declarations from the C library, as both do not describe the same code. A ``.pxd`` file next to a ``.pyx``/``.py`` file with the same name defines exported declarations for code in the ``.pyx``/``.py`` file. As the :file:`cqueue.pxd` file contains declarations of a regular C library, there must not be a ``.pyx``/``.py`` file with the same name that Cython associates with it. Here is a first start for the Queue class: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/clibraries/queue.py :caption: queue.py .. group-tab:: Cython .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/clibraries/queue.pyx :caption: queue.pyx Note that it says ``__cinit__`` rather than ``__init__``. While ``__init__`` is available as well, it is not guaranteed to be run (for instance, one could create a subclass and forget to call the ancestor's constructor). Because not initializing C pointers often leads to hard crashes of the Python interpreter, Cython provides ``__cinit__`` which is *always* called immediately on construction, before CPython even considers calling ``__init__``, and which therefore is the right place to initialise static attributes (``cdef`` fields) of the new instance. However, as ``__cinit__`` is called during object construction, ``self`` is not fully constructed yet, and one must avoid doing anything with ``self`` but assigning to static attributes (``cdef`` fields). Note also that the above method takes no parameters, although subtypes may want to accept some. A no-arguments ``__cinit__()`` method is a special case here that simply does not receive any parameters that were passed to a constructor, so it does not prevent subclasses from adding parameters. If parameters are used in the signature of ``__cinit__()``, they must match those of any declared ``__init__`` method of classes in the class hierarchy that are used to instantiate the type. Memory management ================= Before we continue implementing the other methods, it is important to understand that the above implementation is not safe. In case anything goes wrong in the call to ``queue_new()``, this code will simply swallow the error, so we will likely run into a crash later on. According to the documentation of the ``queue_new()`` function, the only reason why the above can fail is due to insufficient memory. In that case, it will return ``NULL``, whereas it would normally return a pointer to the new queue. The Python way to get out of this is to raise a ``MemoryError`` [#]_. We can thus change the init function as follows: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/clibraries/queue2.py :caption: queue.py .. group-tab:: Cython .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/clibraries/queue2.pyx :caption: queue.pyx .. [#] In the specific case of a ``MemoryError``, creating a new exception instance in order to raise it may actually fail because we are running out of memory. Luckily, CPython provides a C-API function ``PyErr_NoMemory()`` that safely raises the right exception for us. Cython automatically substitutes this C-API call whenever you write ``raise MemoryError`` or ``raise MemoryError()``. If you use an older version, you have to cimport the C-API function from the standard package ``cpython.exc`` and call it directly. The next thing to do is to clean up when the Queue instance is no longer used (i.e. all references to it have been deleted). To this end, CPython provides a callback that Cython makes available as a special method ``__dealloc__()``. In our case, all we have to do is to free the C Queue, but only if we succeeded in initialising it in the init method: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. code-block:: python def __dealloc__(self): if self._c_queue is not cython.NULL: cqueue.queue_free(self._c_queue) .. group-tab:: Cython .. code-block:: cython def __dealloc__(self): if self._c_queue is not NULL: cqueue.queue_free(self._c_queue) Compiling and linking ===================== At this point, we have a working Cython module that we can test. To compile it, we need to configure a ``setup.py`` script for setuptools. Here is the most basic script for compiling a Cython module .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. code-block:: python from setuptools import Extension, setup from Cython.Build import cythonize setup( ext_modules = cythonize([Extension("queue", ["queue.py"])]) ) .. group-tab:: Cython .. code-block:: cython from setuptools import Extension, setup from Cython.Build import cythonize setup( ext_modules = cythonize([Extension("queue", ["queue.pyx"])]) ) To build against the external C library, we need to make sure Cython finds the necessary libraries. There are two ways to archive this. First we can tell setuptools where to find the c-source to compile the :file:`queue.c` implementation automatically. Alternatively, we can build and install C-Alg as system library and dynamically link it. The latter is useful if other applications also use C-Alg. Static Linking --------------- To build the c-code automatically we need to include compiler directives in :file:`queue.pyx`/:file:`queue.py` .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. code-block:: python # distutils: sources = c-algorithms/src/queue.c # distutils: include_dirs = c-algorithms/src/ import cython from cython.cimports import cqueue @cython.cclass class Queue: _c_queue = cython.declare(cython.pointer(cqueue.Queue)) def __cinit__(self): self._c_queue = cqueue.queue_new() if self._c_queue is cython.NULL: raise MemoryError() def __dealloc__(self): if self._c_queue is not cython.NULL: cqueue.queue_free(self._c_queue) .. group-tab:: Cython .. code-block:: cython # distutils: sources = c-algorithms/src/queue.c # distutils: include_dirs = c-algorithms/src/ cimport cqueue cdef class Queue: cdef cqueue.Queue* _c_queue def __cinit__(self): self._c_queue = cqueue.queue_new() if self._c_queue is NULL: raise MemoryError() def __dealloc__(self): if self._c_queue is not NULL: cqueue.queue_free(self._c_queue) The ``sources`` compiler directive gives the path of the C files that setuptools is going to compile and link (statically) into the resulting extension module. In general all relevant header files should be found in ``include_dirs``. Now we can build the project using: .. code-block:: bash $ python setup.py build_ext -i And test whether our build was successful: .. code-block:: bash $ python -c 'import queue; Q = queue.Queue()' Dynamic Linking --------------- Dynamic linking is useful, if the library we are going to wrap is already installed on the system. To perform dynamic linking we first need to build and install c-alg. To build c-algorithms on your system: .. code-block:: bash $ cd c-algorithms $ sh autogen.sh $ ./configure $ make to install CAlg run: .. code-block:: bash $ make install Afterwards the file :file:`/usr/local/lib/libcalg.so` should exist. .. note:: This path applies to Linux systems and may be different on other platforms, so you will need to adapt the rest of the tutorial depending on the path where ``libcalg.so`` or ``libcalg.dll`` is on your system. In this approach we need to tell the setup script to link with an external library. To do so we need to extend the setup script to install change the extension setup from .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. code-block:: python ext_modules = cythonize([Extension("queue", ["queue.py"])]) .. group-tab:: Cython .. code-block:: cython ext_modules = cythonize([Extension("queue", ["queue.pyx"])]) to .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. code-block:: python ext_modules = cythonize([ Extension("queue", ["queue.py"], libraries=["calg"]) ]) .. group-tab:: Cython .. code-block:: cython ext_modules = cythonize([ Extension("queue", ["queue.pyx"], libraries=["calg"]) ]) Now we should be able to build the project using: .. code-block:: bash $ python setup.py build_ext -i If the `libcalg` is not installed in a 'normal' location, users can provide the required parameters externally by passing appropriate C compiler flags, such as: .. code-block:: bash CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/otherdir/calg/include" \ LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/otherdir/calg/lib" \ python setup.py build_ext -i Before we run the module, we also need to make sure that `libcalg` is in the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable, e.g. by setting: .. code-block:: bash $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib Once we have compiled the module for the first time, we can now import it and instantiate a new Queue: .. code-block:: bash $ export PYTHONPATH=. $ python -c 'import queue; Q = queue.Queue()' However, this is all our Queue class can do so far, so let's make it more usable. Mapping functionality --------------------- Before implementing the public interface of this class, it is good practice to look at what interfaces Python offers, e.g. in its ``list`` or ``collections.deque`` classes. Since we only need a FIFO queue, it's enough to provide the methods ``append()``, ``peek()`` and ``pop()``, and additionally an ``extend()`` method to add multiple values at once. Also, since we already know that all values will be coming from C, it's best to provide only ``cdef``/``@cfunc`` methods for now, and to give them a straight C interface. In C, it is common for data structures to store data as a ``void*`` to whatever data item type. Since we only want to store ``int`` values, which usually fit into the size of a pointer type, we can avoid additional memory allocations through a trick: we cast our ``int`` values to ``void*`` and vice versa, and store the value directly as the pointer value. Here is a simple implementation for the ``append()`` method: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. code-block:: python @cython.cfunc def append(self, value: cython.int): cqueue.queue_push_tail(self._c_queue, cython.cast(cython.p_void, value)) .. group-tab:: Cython .. code-block:: cython cdef append(self, int value): cqueue.queue_push_tail(self._c_queue, value) Again, the same error handling considerations as for the ``__cinit__()`` method apply, so that we end up with this implementation instead: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. code-block:: python @cython.cfunc def append(self, value: cython.int): if not cqueue.queue_push_tail(self._c_queue, cython.cast(cython.p_void, value)): raise MemoryError() .. group-tab:: Cython .. code-block:: cython cdef append(self, int value): if not cqueue.queue_push_tail(self._c_queue, value): raise MemoryError() Adding an ``extend()`` method should now be straight forward: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. code-block:: python @cython.cfunc def extend(self, values: cython.p_int, count: cython.size_t): """Append all ints to the queue. """ value: cython.int for value in values[:count]: # Slicing pointer to limit the iteration boundaries. self.append(value) .. group-tab:: Cython .. code-block:: cython cdef extend(self, int* values, size_t count): """Append all ints to the queue. """ cdef int value for value in values[:count]: # Slicing pointer to limit the iteration boundaries. self.append(value) This becomes handy when reading values from a C array, for example. So far, we can only add data to the queue. The next step is to write the two methods to get the first element: ``peek()`` and ``pop()``, which provide read-only and destructive read access respectively. To avoid compiler warnings when casting ``void*`` to ``int`` directly, we use an intermediate data type that is big enough to hold a ``void*``. Here, ``Py_ssize_t``: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. code-block:: python @cython.cfunc def peek(self) -> cython.int: return cython.cast(cython.Py_ssize_t, cqueue.queue_peek_head(self._c_queue)) @cython.cfunc def pop(self) -> cython.int: return cython.cast(cython.Py_ssize_t, cqueue.queue_pop_head(self._c_queue)) .. group-tab:: Cython .. code-block:: cython cdef int peek(self): return cqueue.queue_peek_head(self._c_queue) cdef int pop(self): return cqueue.queue_pop_head(self._c_queue) Normally, in C, we risk losing data when we convert a larger integer type to a smaller integer type without checking the boundaries, and ``Py_ssize_t`` may be a larger type than ``int``. But since we control how values are added to the queue, we already know that all values that are in the queue fit into an ``int``, so the above conversion from ``void*`` to ``Py_ssize_t`` to ``int`` (the return type) is safe by design. Handling errors --------------- Now, what happens when the queue is empty? According to the documentation, the functions return a ``NULL`` pointer, which is typically not a valid value. But since we are simply casting to and from ints, we cannot distinguish anymore if the return value was ``NULL`` because the queue was empty or because the value stored in the queue was ``0``. In Cython code, we want the first case to raise an exception, whereas the second case should simply return ``0``. To deal with this, we need to special case this value, and check if the queue really is empty or not: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. code-block:: python @cython.cfunc def peek(self) -> cython.int: value: cython.int = cython.cast(cython.Py_ssize_t, cqueue.queue_peek_head(self._c_queue)) if value == 0: # this may mean that the queue is empty, or # that it happens to contain a 0 value if cqueue.queue_is_empty(self._c_queue): raise IndexError("Queue is empty") return value .. group-tab:: Cython .. code-block:: cython cdef int peek(self): cdef int value = cqueue.queue_peek_head(self._c_queue) if value == 0: # this may mean that the queue is empty, or # that it happens to contain a 0 value if cqueue.queue_is_empty(self._c_queue): raise IndexError("Queue is empty") return value Note how we have effectively created a fast path through the method in the hopefully common cases that the return value is not ``0``. Only that specific case needs an additional check if the queue is empty. If the ``peek`` function was a Python function returning a Python object value, CPython would simply return ``NULL`` internally instead of a Python object to indicate an exception, which would immediately be propagated by the surrounding code. The problem is that the return type is ``int`` and any ``int`` value is a valid queue item value, so there is no way to explicitly signal an error to the calling code. The only way calling code can deal with this situation is to call ``PyErr_Occurred()`` when returning from a function to check if an exception was raised, and if so, propagate the exception. This obviously has a performance penalty. Cython therefore uses a dedicated value that it implicitly returns in the case of an exception, so that the surrounding code only needs to check for an exception when receiving this exact value. By default, the value ``-1`` is used as the exception return value. All other return values will be passed through almost without a penalty, thus again creating a fast path for 'normal' values. See :ref:`error_return_values` for more details. Now that the ``peek()`` method is implemented, the ``pop()`` method also needs adaptation. Since it removes a value from the queue, however, it is not enough to test if the queue is empty *after* the removal. Instead, we must test it on entry: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. code-block:: python @cython.cfunc def pop(self) -> cython.int: if cqueue.queue_is_empty(self._c_queue): raise IndexError("Queue is empty") return cython.cast(cython.Py_ssize_t, cqueue.queue_pop_head(self._c_queue)) .. group-tab:: Cython .. code-block:: cython cdef int pop(self): if cqueue.queue_is_empty(self._c_queue): raise IndexError("Queue is empty") return cqueue.queue_pop_head(self._c_queue) The return value for exception propagation is declared exactly as for ``peek()``. Lastly, we can provide the Queue with an emptiness indicator in the normal Python way by implementing the ``__bool__()`` special method (note that Python 2 calls this method ``__nonzero__``, whereas Cython code can use either name):: def __bool__(self): return not cqueue.queue_is_empty(self._c_queue) Note that this method returns either ``True`` or ``False`` as we declared the return type of the ``queue_is_empty()`` function as ``bint`` in :file:`cqueue.pxd`. Testing the result ------------------ Now that the implementation is complete, you may want to write some tests for it to make sure it works correctly. Especially doctests are very nice for this purpose, as they provide some documentation at the same time. To enable doctests, however, you need a Python API that you can call. C methods are not visible from Python code, and thus not callable from doctests. A quick way to provide a Python API for the class is to change the methods from ``cdef``/``@cfunc`` to ``cpdef``/``@ccall``. This will let Cython generate two entry points, one that is callable from normal Python code using the Python call semantics and Python objects as arguments, and one that is callable from C code with fast C semantics and without requiring intermediate argument conversion from or to Python types. Note that ``cpdef``/``@ccall`` methods ensure that they can be appropriately overridden by Python methods even when they are called from Cython. This adds a tiny overhead compared to ``cdef``/``@cfunc`` methods. Now that we have both a C-interface and a Python interface for our class, we should make sure that both interfaces are consistent. Python users would expect an ``extend()`` method that accepts arbitrary iterables, whereas C users would like to have one that allows passing C arrays and C memory. Both signatures are incompatible. We will solve this issue by considering that in C, the API could also want to support other input types, e.g. arrays of ``long`` or ``char``, which is usually supported with differently named C API functions such as ``extend_ints()``, ``extend_longs()``, ``extend_chars()``, etc. This allows us to free the method name ``extend()`` for the duck typed Python method, which can accept arbitrary iterables. The following listing shows the complete implementation that uses ``cpdef``/``@ccall`` methods where possible: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/clibraries/queue3.py :caption: queue.py .. group-tab:: Cython .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/clibraries/queue3.pyx :caption: queue.pyx Now we can test our Queue implementation using a python script, for example here :file:`test_queue.py`: .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/clibraries/test_queue.py As a quick test with 10000 numbers on the author's machine indicates, using this Queue from Cython code with C ``int`` values is about five times as fast as using it from Cython code with Python object values, almost eight times faster than using it from Python code in a Python loop, and still more than twice as fast as using Python's highly optimised ``collections.deque`` type from Cython code with Python integers. Callbacks --------- Let's say you want to provide a way for users to pop values from the queue up to a certain user defined event occurs. To this end, you want to allow them to pass a predicate function that determines when to stop, e.g.:: def pop_until(self, predicate): while not predicate(self.peek()): self.pop() Now, let us assume for the sake of argument that the C queue provides such a function that takes a C callback function as predicate. The API could look as follows:: /* C type of a predicate function that takes a queue value and returns * -1 for errors * 0 for reject * 1 for accept */ typedef int (*predicate_func)(void* user_context, QueueValue data); /* Pop values as long as the predicate evaluates to true for them, * returns -1 if the predicate failed with an error and 0 otherwise. */ int queue_pop_head_until(Queue *queue, predicate_func predicate, void* user_context); It is normal for C callback functions to have a generic :c:type:`void*` argument that allows passing any kind of context or state through the C-API into the callback function. We will use this to pass our Python predicate function. First, we have to define a callback function with the expected signature that we can pass into the C-API function: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. code-block:: python @cython.cfunc @cython.exceptval(check=False) def evaluate_predicate(context: cython.p_void, value: cqueue.QueueValue) -> cython.int: "Callback function that can be passed as predicate_func" try: # recover Python function object from void* argument func = cython.cast(object, context) # call function, convert result into 0/1 for True/False return bool(func(cython.cast(int, value))) except: # catch any Python errors and return error indicator return -1 .. note:: ``@cfunc`` functions in pure python are defined as ``@exceptval(-1, check=True)`` by default. Since ``evaluate_predicate()`` should be passed to function as parameter, we need to turn off exception checking entirely. .. group-tab:: Cython .. code-block:: cython cdef int evaluate_predicate(void* context, cqueue.QueueValue value): "Callback function that can be passed as predicate_func" try: # recover Python function object from void* argument func = context # call function, convert result into 0/1 for True/False return bool(func(value)) except: # catch any Python errors and return error indicator return -1 The main idea is to pass a pointer (a.k.a. borrowed reference) to the function object as the user context argument. We will call the C-API function as follows: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Pure Python .. code-block:: python def pop_until(self, python_predicate_function): result = cqueue.queue_pop_head_until( self._c_queue, evaluate_predicate, cython.cast(cython.p_void, python_predicate_function)) if result == -1: raise RuntimeError("an error occurred") .. group-tab:: Cython .. code-block:: cython def pop_until(self, python_predicate_function): result = cqueue.queue_pop_head_until( self._c_queue, evaluate_predicate, python_predicate_function) if result == -1: raise RuntimeError("an error occurred") The usual pattern is to first cast the Python object reference into a :c:type:`void*` to pass it into the C-API function, and then cast it back into a Python object in the C predicate callback function. The cast to :c:type:`void*` creates a borrowed reference. On the cast to ````, Cython increments the reference count of the object and thus converts the borrowed reference back into an owned reference. At the end of the predicate function, the owned reference goes out of scope again and Cython discards it. The error handling in the code above is a bit simplistic. Specifically, any exceptions that the predicate function raises will essentially be discarded and only result in a plain ``RuntimeError()`` being raised after the fact. This can be improved by storing away the exception in an object passed through the context parameter and re-raising it after the C-API function has returned ``-1`` to indicate the error.